What men think about sexual compatibility
This was one of the 20 questions that we sent to men who volunteered to honestly and openly share their thoughts about sex, love, pleasure, fantasies, and desires. Read their answers below!
To all the men who answered these questions, THANK YOU! We absolutely enjoyed reading your answers and insights!
"It is important to want to get there. Sex can always get better together if you want it to. I am lucky that I still am incredibly attracted to my wife. As the first day we met and she has not changed at all. In fact, she is more beautiful today than the first day we met. She always turns me on and we are very compatible.
"For me: very important. I had relationships where both were not really compatible (whatever the circumstances), some of those relationships lasted shorter, some longer. But the longer a not-sexually-compatible relationship lasts, the more sexually frustrated one gets."
"It's everything. I mean that deeply. There is someone for everyone I believe. Find the one your compatible with and just let it flow".
"It’s very important, although a strong relationship can survive it, but it would be a huge sacrifice.
My last long term relationship was with a partner who I wasn’t as sexually compatible as I would have liked. And I think it definitely chipped away at our relationship. This was not her fault, I never developed the skills (or lacked the desire) to help overcome the obstacles… "
"Hugely important. I’m so lucky to have found my soulmate and then married my best friend. Getting to start and end each day with her makes all the troubles in the world wash away.."
"Very important!! If you're not sexually compatible, there's no relationship possible. It's a very important item."
"Very important. I can’t imagine being in a long-term relationship and not being sexually compatible. This is why my first marriage ended."
"I believe being on the same page and communicating is huge. As a cuckold I love and embrace not being enough for what my woman wants and needs but us being a cuckold couple we are compatible in that way ."
"Super important - in the top three. I have a high physical touch love language. I love touch and electric sexual energy. I also have Scorpio in 5 placements."
" For me it's a hugely important part - as being in touch with my own sexuality means I am in touch with my heart and know my desire. I have been in a relationship for a long time where our sexual desire wasn't matched (over a long period of time - it's absolutely ok that sexual desire changes up and down over time) and I'd never be in that situation again."
"Very, it can be worked on of course, but it makes you more likely to stay engaged in the relationship. Now it cant be the only or most important thing. Your hearts and souls and dreams come first, but connected, real, passionate sex is not only so pleasurable but healthy and healing."
"I don’t know how a relationship would begin without a strong sexual attraction, to be honest. But, my wife and I had a dry spell for a long time (years), and we remained very good friends and partners and snugglers. "
"I think this is a very important thing to strive for. Currently, my partner is not very compatible to my sexual drive, desires or tastes. This, of course, makes me sad. I have no doubt our relationship would go to new levels if we were more compatible. I am slowly working on that, but it is a challenge."
"Sexual compatibility for a relationship is very important in order for all involved partners to be allowed to be who they uniquely are. To have the freedom to explore, enjoy, be and experience their unique sexual nature and their unique desires fully together with partners who are their equal match in adventure and pleasure. "
"I believe the sexdrive should be similar, not all the time, I know it is impossible, but most of the time. Things change with age, the pandemics, the baby, but it always helped me going just knowing that my partner still wants me even if we cannot do it as often as we wanted or as often as we used to. Wanting the same things and getting to do them is very important, and I am lucky with my partner that she does not deny me the things I crave. "